The Blavatsky Lodge presents…

When Mysticism and Science meet

Sunday 21st November  – 6pm UK time

                   a zoom talk by Petra Meyer


Since the discovery of the sub-atomic world scientists, and especially physicists, openly admit that mysticism is taken seriously in their communities now, that the parallels to modern science are very obvious. Observations in both fields take place in realms that are inaccessible to ordinary senses, but both approaches are complementary for a fuller understanding of the world.

(CW II p. 418/419) “It is the sign of an irrepressible need in humanity to assure itself that there is a Power paramount over matter, says HPB “an occult and mysterious law which governs the world, and which we should rather study and closely watch…”

Petra was born in 1947 in Essen/Germany where she also grew up.

She joined the Theosophical Society in 1992 and has been a serious student of the Theosophical teachings of H. P. Blavatsky ever since. In 2016 Petra became President of The Blavatsky Lodge, a position that she still holds today.





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Meeting ID: 849 2021 1124






November 21 @ 18:00
18:00 — 19:30 (1h 30′)

Blavatsky Lodge, Online

Petra Meyer